EU3234363840424446USXX5XSSMLXLXXLXXLArm Length6161,56262,56363,56464,5Bust Circumference8084889296101106111Waist Girth6165697377828792Hip Circumference87919599103108113118
Der warme und energetische rote Schatten dieses Nagellackes macht es zu einer echten Waffe der Verführung, für unwiderstehliche Nägel
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Nail Manicure ist fertig!
Besondere Bestellnummern
This mail polish is a dream come true! The 3-1 formula is incredibly convenient, and the color laster for two weeks.
Effortless elegance, long-lasting beauty
This mail polish is a dream come true! The 3-1 formula is incredibly convenient, and the color laster for two weeks.